Interesting question isn’t it?

Or, if you’re already making 100k, what about 1000k? 

Do you believe you can make ONE MILLION BENJAMINS?

can you make 100k/Now before you say something like, “It’s not about the money, Lin, don’t be so shallow,” I want to say this…

Oh. Yes. it. Is.

And if you think it’s shallow then there’s your money story right there.

I LOVE making money. I love how setting money goals makes me stretch outside my comfort zone; it makes me come out of hiding to do things that I would normally try to avoid; it allows me to enjoy lovely things; it allows me to help other people in ways I might not otherwise be able to do.

Money is just money… it doesn’t mean anything in particular unless we decide to make it mean something. I choose to make it mean FREEDOM and POWER and ALTRUISM and SERVICE.

And why not? It’s better than making it mean LACK and GREED and SELFISHNESS and FEAR.

Besides, money is for everyone who wants to go out and make it. Which means, money is not for people who don’t go out and make it.

The Universe does not discriminate when it comes to making money.

Oh, and one more thing… if you desire to make 50k, or even 10k? That’s cool too. You get to decide everything.

The point is, if you’re not making the kind of money you WANT to make, then there’s a Jack Nicholson character in your head telling you all the reasons why you can’t handle making it.

Those Benjamins need not have so much emotion attached to them.

If you’re tired of of NOT making what you want, and you’re ready to take a deep dive into turning your business into an income-generating source of joy, get on my calendar… we need to talk.

Click HERE to set up a time to see if my upcoming 100k DNA Mastermind is for you – and by “you” I mean “gutsy amazing kickass I’m-ready-to-make-some-moolah YOU!”

Lin E

PS: 100k DNA™ is for coaches who are ready to stop dabbling in business and get down to coaching and getting paid for it. Book a call HERE.

"I wrote THE BOOK on how to start an online coaching business!" 

(It even includes all the legal steps you need to consider when building an online business from the ground up.)

the business of being a life coach