Sugar is a bitch to overcome.
Can I get a “HELL YEAH IT IS!”?

I mean, if I could get a peanut butter cup in a syringe, I’d do it, and if you tell anyone I said that I swear I’ll deny it. (Spoken like a true sugar addict.)
Which is why I’m certain that I’ll be working to keep my sugar cravings in check until the day I die.
Sounds a little crazy to say that, right? I mean… sugar? Sugar addict?
Yep. Read this if you don’t believe me.
Like alcohol or any other addictive substance, sugar can bring us to our knees. It’s a reminder that each of us is but a vulnerable human being, even when our foe is a seemingly benign granular substance that tastes delicious.
I call my sugar addiction an AFGO.
AFGO = Another Freakin’ Growth Opportunity
Sugar has taught me a lot about my strength as a card-carrying adult woman who so happens to have had enough life experience to know I can handle whatever life throws at me.
That there? That sentence above? It’s all I ever need remind myself of when I feel stuck in the woe-is-me that often accompanies an AFGO.
Of all the things I’ve learned about myself on this journey of self discovery (a.k.a., fighting with myself, loving myself, kicking myself in the shins, sticking my tongue out at the woman in the mirror, then apologizing for that, etc.), the one Big Truth that fuels me and powers me UP more than anything else is this:
I am more powerful than a peanut butter cup!
Dammit… I have the power to figure things out.
Besides, “woe-is-me” makes me look so unattractive!
Now, here’s the (ironic) thing: Sugar has led me on a path to becoming “WeightLESS,” and I don’t just mean losing weight.
In the coming weeks I’ll be chronicling my so-called “sugar AFGO” and the weight gain I experienced after having to undergo thyroid surgery, and what I had to do before I “lost it.”
It’s all part of what I’m calling “The Woman UP Project.” I’ll send updates straight to your inbox… click HERE so we can stay connected.
In love and guts,

Read Part 2 HERE.
And then let’s talk about it HERE.