GUTS. It’s a vitamin produced by the body, don’t you knowwwww?

You were born with it.

In fact, you had boatloads of it when you were a little girl.

And then… what happened?

Oh, I remember… we were told to shush.

Don’t rock the boat.

Don’t make a scene.

Don’t say that.

Don’t do that.

Don’t be like that.

In other words: Stop being YOU.

Little girls become deeply (invisibly) wounded when they’re told these things. It enters their psyche and stays there.

Their Vitamin G gets depleted.

Luckily, there’s a (virtual) pill for that!

Yes, you can be gutsy again.

You can reignite the parts of you that were once excited to be seen and heard and utterly adored. 

Want to know how? Click HERE.


"I wrote THE BOOK on how to start an online coaching business!" 

(It even includes all the legal steps you need to consider when building an online business from the ground up.)

the business of being a life coach