Hey Coach… do you know your numbers?
Having a complete understanding of the numbers that drive your business is critical to growing a dream coaching business, i.e., one that makes you money AND makes you happy.
All too often coaches get caught up in everything but the numbers… blogging, web design, social media, newsletters… without having any idea what they actually have to DO on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, to generate the income they desire.
Online business owners who know their numbers are the ones who are the most successful, hands down.
Knowing your numbers is a hallmark of a gutsyass business woman.
Do you know how much money you want to make this year? ($1,000/month? $10,000/month?)
Do you have a plan for how you’re going to hit that number?
If you don’t have a plan for how you’re going to hit your income goal, then you’re doing business using the “Hope Method,” and hope is not going to get you very far.
In my Freedom Mastermind I teach coaches a formula for hitting their annual target and then all the other smaller numbers that need to be hit on a weekly and monthly basis to ensure the annual target is achieved.
It’s not hard to know your numbers. And it’s no excuse to say you’re “not good at math.”