I know hiding, because I’ve done it.

you need a vision

I hide when I think “it might not work.”

Or when I’m worried “no one will like/want/need this.”

Or when things get “too hard.”

Breaking free from the thoughts that make us want to hide requires a BIG VISION.

Do you have one of those?

Without a big vision, the thoughts that make you want to hide seem to be relevant.

They’re allowed to take up even more space in your head. They gain traction.

But when you have a vision that’s bigger than you, a cause or a purpose that gives relevance and meaning to your life and everything you “do,” then those old thoughts turn to dust in your mind.

My vision is this: To see women and girls water the seeds of immeasurable greatness that are within each of us.

My vision reminds me to woman UP and water my own seeds… to shower them with love.

Hiding leads to regret, and there is no room for that, Girlfriend.

In love and guts,

Lin E

PS: What’s your vision? Share in our Facebook group HERE. If you’re not a member, get in here! 


"I wrote THE BOOK on how to start an online coaching business!" 

(It even includes all the legal steps you need to consider when building an online business from the ground up.)

the business of being a life coach