Is Your Lawyer Brain Affecting The Size of Your Backside?
You've tried everything but nothing's working, which doesn't seem logical or reasonable.
So, what's really going on?
Find out in my Busy Lawyer’s Guide To Managing Stress Without Overeating
As a lawyer, you expect things to make sense. The law depends on logic and reason. The problem is, emotional eating is the exact opposite of all things logical and reasonable.
The Busy Lawyer’s Guide To Managing Stress Without Overeating explains what's really going on when it comes to why we use food to manage our stress.

Hello, I'm Lin Eleoff, author of The Busy Lawyer's Guide To Managing Stress Without Overeating.
I'm a "lawyer's coach," which means I work with attorneys who find themselves trying to manage their stress with food.
And since I'm a coach who happens to be a lawyer, I have a special appreciation for how your lawyer brain works, and that it's unable to solve this particular struggle using logic and reason.
Let me explain it all to you in the free download I created just for my lawyer friends.
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