A woman who manages her mind manages her life.
A woman who honors her BODY honors her life.
A woman who owns a business owns her life.
Hey there, Lin Eleoff here: Amazon bestselling author. Internet lawyer. Life and business performance coach.
But enough about me, I want to talk about YOU.
Because I suspect you're a lot like me.
Purpose driven. Fun loving. Success determined.
You're an idea generator, a deep thinker, a problem solver, and a personal growth junkie.
Most of all, you like to be in charge of your TIME, your MONEY, and your ENERGY.
You want to be in a position to make decisions in your life that are in the BEST interests of your mental, emotional, and financial health.
In other words, you want to OWN your life!

Stuck between a ROCK and a HOT FLASH?
I hear the same story over and over again from women who tell me, "I don't know what it was, Lin, but something happened to me once I hit 40. I wanted MORE. But I didn't think I could have it. I thought it was selfish of me to expect more."
So it's not just me!?
I found myself stuck between a rock and a proverbial hot flash, and I didn't like it one bit.
I'd already experienced so much in my life, but I wanted something else. I wanted something MORE.
Does this sound like you?
You want less stress.
You want better health.
You want financial security.
You want to own your time, your money, your decision-making power.
You want to OWN your LIFE
It was entrepreneurship that inspired me to really and truly own my life.
But it didn't start that way. At first, owning a business messed with my head. So I had to learn how to manage my mind.
Then, it messed with my body (because I had no time for anything but business) so I had to learn how to prioritize my health.
Then it messed with my time and my money... I wanted more of both, but it seemed the opposite was happening!
The "rock" represented the way I was used to living my life; if I wanted "more," I'd have to figure out how to be a different version of "me."
The "hot flash" represented the obstacles to changing my life; the status quo seemed so much easier.
Beyond the obstacles was my heart's desire, my purpose, and the freedom we all talk about but never seem to achieve.
Now I teach coaches how to go beyond the "hot flash."
The process is GENIUS - it starts with writing a particular kind of book that sets up your coaching business to give you everything you want, starting with MORE paying clients.
Click that GENIUS BUTTON, and let's get started...