Do I Have To Have Tech Skills?

I remember when I first started my own online business I assumed I had to learn “all the tech” because that’s what I saw so many others doing.

b Gutsy with Lin EleoffAnd the tech can bring an otherwise smart, sophisticated, gutsy-ass woman to her knees. 

In this episode of the MESS MAGIC MONEY podcast I tackle this question and… fair warning… I deliver a little tough love. Because, well, let me ask you a question: What would YOU rather have – tech skills or paying clients?

Let’s dive in…

Hey Coach, do you have a 100k Inner Glass Ceiling? Want to smash through it once and for all? Click THIS.

"I wrote THE BOOK on how to start an online coaching business!" 

(It even includes all the legal steps you need to consider when building an online business from the ground up.)

the business of being a life coach